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© 2018-2019 All Rights Reserved.
View of the commercial port in Papeete from our guest house.
A Tiki statue near the boardwalk, a spiritual symbol of Polynesia.
Adrian and Cezar on the boardwalk, with the commercial port in the background.
A narrow street in downtown Papeete.
City Hall.
Flowers in the city market.
Kilometer zero is in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral.
Near the kilometer zero marker.
Beautiful yachts in the marina.
Tree in blossom in the Paofai Gardens.
A similar tree type, but with flowers of different colour.
The amazing heliconia.
The plane from Papeete (Tahiti) to Rikitea (Mangareva) made a short stop on the Hao atoll.
The airport in Gambier Islands is on Totegegie Island, which lies a few kilometers
away from the main island of Mangareva.
away from the main island of Mangareva.
Jean-Yves placed all our equipment and personal effects in the dinghy.
Cezar and Jean-Yves.
L'Ile d'Elle.
Passing by Mangareva Island on our way to the Morane Atoll.
Equipment and personal effects are packed in dry bags and heavy duty plastic bags,
to be transported in sealed drums.
to be transported in sealed drums.
Bernard, Cezar, Adrian, and Jean-Yves with the first transport of materials to Morane.
Bernard and Jean-Yves installed a rope between an anchor and a large reef rock,
which allowed the dinghy to take trips between the yacht and the atoll.
which allowed the dinghy to take trips between the yacht and the atoll.
Departing the atoll for another transport.
Bringing everything to the atoll was intense.
How many meter long sharks can you spot in this photo?
Camp TX0M.
The operations tent of TX0M.
K3 and SPE Expert 1.3K-FA.
IC-7000 and KPA-500.
Adrian at the keyboard.
Cezar operating.
A young frigate.
Masked booby.
Hermit crabs.
Taking a stroll with Bernard.
Change in the wind direction and high ocean swell required us to leave the atoll
from across the lagoon, a long and tiring effort.
from across the lagoon, a long and tiring effort.
Landing everything on Maria Est took longer than expected.
We finished just before sunset, as a heavy rain started.
We finished just before sunset, as a heavy rain started.
Camp TX0A.
Cezar after a night on the air.
Adrian not long after daybreak.
Bernard had great fishing skills.
And his cooking skills were amazing!
Benitier oysters in the lagoon.
The delicate kahaia, the small flower with exotic fragrance of the tou hard-wood tree.
A church reminds of the small community of copra workers who used to live seasonally
on the atoll many years ago
on the atoll many years ago
Camp TX0A seen from the ocean.
Operations tent at TX0A.
The Honda generators operated flawlessly.
Resting during no-propagation time windows; intense heat and humidity made it impossible to sleep.
Looking for the coolest place under shade during the resting times.
Bernard driving the dinghy across the lagoon.
Leaving Maria Est had to be done from across the lagoon, which required
a long and intense serious effort from all involved.
a long and intense serious effort from all involved.
When the dinghy's engine didn't start, Jean-Yves had to paddle hard his way to the yacht.
Preparing for the next transport off Maria Est.
Arduous job under a scorching sun.
Bernard pushes hard the dinghy, while Jean-Yves revs the engine, as the last transport leaves Maria Est.
The beautiful beach on Aukena Island, Bernard's home in paradise.
One of the many screw pines adorning Bernard's property.
Having fun.
City Hall, Rikitea.
The imposing landmark of St. Michael's Cathedral, Rikitea.
Marie-Paule (Bernard's wife), Sandrine, Bernard, Jean-Yves, Adrian, and Cezar.